Petition · Amnesty International Secretary General, Amnesty International Board, Amnesty International Council: We call on the Amnesty International Council to stand firm and support decriminalisation of sex work and protect the human rights of sex workers ·



I’m signing this because decriminalization is VITAL to the continued health and safety of sex workers. PLEASE listen to people who are actually affected by these policies and not rich white women whose closest interaction with sex work was a movie.

If you need a reason to think this is important…I just scrolled through the signatures and a woman said her reason for signing was that her sister was murdered by Robert Pickton, the serial killer from British Columbia who murdered at least 50 sex workers, and she thought that could have been prevented by decriminalization. Take a moment to reflect on that. I’m sobbing.


Petition · Amnesty International Secretary General, Amnesty International Board, Amnesty International Council: We call on the Amnesty International Council to stand firm and support decriminalisation of sex work and protect the human rights of sex workers ·


Mentalism: Oppression on the basis of brain type or perceived intelligence level; subcategory of ableism

Lumping mental and physical disabilities together is sort of like lumping gay and trans together as an ever-more-bloated acronym or queer: Useful, but misleading.

It’s great that the disability community has some unity, so that we don’t have to each fight our own battles without mutual support. However, it’s worth noting that the life experiences of disabled people are vastly different depending on whether they have mental or physical disabilities or both. The prejudice itself is also very different– mentalism is really only a subcategory of ableism because every form of neurodivergence happens to also be a disability.
